The Hoek Blog
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Dearest Dusty Baker:

Recent news has shown that you are using holy water to assist you in your managerial endeavors.

History shows that common sense should be much more effective.

You trade the greatest superstar that Chicago has seen since MJ for a slightly better than average utility player, then refuse to play him in lieu of a utility player that no one wanted last year but you.

I know that was a run-on. You shut up and listen to me.

Jerry Hairston at least gives you speed. Neifi Perez gives you nothing but ground outs. Sure, he is having a productive day today, but is that really the issue? He starts in BOTH games, but Aramis doesn't?

If Michael Lewis had a stat for BLF (Boneheaded Lineup Factor), you would be at the top of the league.


I am sure you will eventually blame this all on the injury to Todd Walker, but you would be wrong, because you wouldn't play him last year even though he was vastly superior to Grudz in every facet, so this won't be your excuse.

Yes, that was a run-on, too. I don't care.

And Dusty, just in case you were wondering, my sister and I have some kind of psychic bond. I still have yet to figure out how, but it happens. You should call me sometime and we will chat about it over some Tony's pizza.
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