The Hoek Blog
Monday, June 02, 2003
Well, two very important things happen/happened today. One, Chandler starts his foray into this season's All-Stars campaign. His first game tonight is in Benbrook. I hope he gets the start at first base, but I don't know what the coach has in store for him. Let's just all hope that he has a solid game. Second, Alexa hit a big first today. She pulled herself up on her feet in her playpen. I wasn't there, but Billie called me from work as soon as it happened. She made it up onto her knees, then finally got her feet under her. She also apparently thought it was the funniest thing ever, as she was giggling like crazy.

Chandler also started his new community center day camp. We found a day camp that only charges $65 a week! For those of you without day care aged kids, that is really, really cheap. I dropped him off this morning, and he was a little timid, but not bad. I am sure he will acclimate himself rather quickly.
Whatever I want it to be. My thoughts, my family, my rants. All in one delicious, appetizing sampler.


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