Dear Dave Grohl:

Notice that this sentence is in the past tense: The Foo Fighters used to be my favorite band in the whole world.
The Colour and the Shape is still one of my top 5 albums of all time. There is Nothing left to lose was pretty good. Then you released Learn to Fly, and all of a sudden, you realized that there was a lot of money to be made in crossover hits. All of a sudden, your song was being played on rock and contemporary adult stations, and you saw dollar signs. Since that point, evey song you have put out has been, for lack of a better term, crap.
I heard "The Best" the other day, and it is still the same crap. Did you forget that power chords still exist? Was Pat Smear the life and soul of your band? Monkey Wrench is one of the hardest songs I can remember, but you haven't even come close to that in recent years. Was Gil Norton to blame for your rock, or did you sell out? Or, did you just get old? Is it because Taylor is the drummer now, and you just play guitar and sing?Please, tell me what is going on, because I miss the old Dave Grohl. I miss songs like "Wind Up", or "My Poor Brain". Hell, I will even take "Wattershed" nowadays.
You know what sucks, is I will still probably buy your album, and be disappointed. I am sure there is still hope for me, but I am probably not going to be happy with it. Maybe you need to go back to Seattle for a while, and quit playing with Jack Black and Tom Petty. Maybe you need to go see a good rock show for inspiration. I hear Krist isn't doing much these days. Just remember, the Foo Fighters is a rock band. If you want to start a different band that writes songs like Rob Thomas, fine. Just don't try to pass it off as a Foo album. We know...oh, yes...we know.