The Hoek Blog
Monday, June 07, 2004

Well, I uploaded some new pictures this weekend, so check them out. Chandler finished his season this year with an All-Star type game. We lost by one run, but we had a great time. I love those kids, man. They are so great.

We visited Bedford Splash, which is like a very small Hurricane Harbor. Alexa was an absolute machine, wanting to ride every slide they had a hundred times. She was so tired at the end of the day, but she didn't want to quit! I got a really bad sunburn on my back, and some kid pooped in the pool, so we left a litte earlier than we planned. It was nice to have the three day weekend, though.

The Cubs have won two in a they won't see Albert Pujols this week, thank God. If the Cubs can just keep their heads above water until they get healthy, I think they will be ok...Now if the Reds can just hit a slump (which they will).
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