The Hoek Blog
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Win one, lose one. Win one, lose one. The Cubs seem to be following a pattern. I guess I could be happy that it isn't lose 3, win one, lose 4 win one, but this team is destined for so much more. Seeing that Mark Prior gave up a granny just ruined my day. I didn't see the game, but apparently there were some tempers flaring. Should make for an interesting series, but what is amazing is that the Cubbies don't play the Cards after July 20th. Doesn't that seem weird? You would think the MLB would want to really tap the resources available for that matchup. I mean, that is an automatic sellout! Yet the cubs have more games against Montreal in August and Sept than they do with the Cards. Yeah, those games should be a sellout!

I still am having trouble figuring out why I get so upset at the Cubs. Yesterday, I swear that if I could have called Dusty Baker and yelled at him, I would have. I don't know why. It isn't his fault half of his roster is on the DL. He can't make the umpire call the strike zone like it should. So why do I get so upset? I was trying to explain this to my wife last year after the playoffs, but there is no example in her life that can equate. Take something that you have been passionate about for 22 years. Nothing. She has hardly been alive that long. So, she really can't understand the level of passion I have for this stupid game or this stupid team. How do you tell someone that some of your fondest memories are watching Jim Frey tuck his hat into his jersey when the Cubs clinched the division in '84? Or Gary Gaietti's home run in the one game playoff against the Giants in '94? The only moment in her life that could measure is the birth of her children, which is a much bigger moment, but she remembers them vividly. I completely and totally remember exactly where I was when Eric Show hit Andre Dawson in the face. I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news that Ryno retired, then came back. No one should remember those things, but I do. Most non-sports people just don't seem to understand me and the passion that burns for sports. I wish I could make people feel like I do for a day or so, and I think they would be just as passionate as I am, because the feeling is so great when your team wins, but the feeling when they lose is preceived as bad, but it is something that you take along with the good because that is why you are passionate. Personally, I think being a Yankees fan would be very boring. Hey, we won again! I love seeing the face of a guy who has never won a World Series before right as he realizes they are going to win. It is priceless. Now, when Derek Jeter wins the WS, you can see that he is thinking about where he will put another ring, not the fact that he has reached the pinnacle of his talent yet again. It is the same reason why I am really rooting for the Pistons. Not only do I want to see a team win that isn't the Lakers, but I really don't want Karl Malone to get a ring. How's that for passion?
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