Sweep! The Cubs swept the Padres this weekend to put them in a tie for first place. This comes despite the fact that the Padres tried to intimidate us by wearing their 1984 jerseys. I think it is interesting the way those jerseys look cool now. I would think that it has to do with the way they are tailored now. Even the hats look good!
I had a great time at Dena's party yesterday, even if we had to leave early. It is great to know that so many people would turn out to her 21st birthday party. I wish we could have stayed, but the demands of softball took their toll. We did win the game, though and came in second place in our league. I will be starting the Beryl softball league soon. Can you believe that there are actually people out there who think I will be too competitive? As much as I theoretically despise coed softball, I am going to have fun with my fellow employees. :)