Ahh, Christmastime. Why do I love it so? Is it the 65 degree weather in Texas? Is it the fact that we live close to a mall now, so getting out of our neighborhood is like 635? No, none of these! Christmastime is special to me because we get to have as many as six separate Christmases! That's right! Starting the first week in December, we travel to someone's house to have a Christmas, and that continues until the end of the year. So far, we have had two Christmases:

My Dad's was first. We all got together in good ol' Godley and had a merry old time. I was quite hungover that day (I will tell you about it if you ask), so the first hour or so was kind of miserable, but I felt better when I had some food in me. We made hobos (hoboes?) out on the fire, and I burned mine slightly, but it was still good. We played games all afternoon (we are such a gmaing family, it is scary), and the competitive juices were flowing that day. We had two games of catchphrase going at once. Then we opened presents and hung out all night. It was a blast.
Well, the next weekend was my Mom's Christmas. We all met at Dena's apartment (SMALL) and played games all afternoon. Emily showed us a new game with dominos (dominoes?) that was really, really fun, and we will have to complete the whole game sometime, but it looks like it takes about 2-3 hours to complete. Then the catchphrase started again, and this time everybody was really getting into it. Greg (Dena's boyfriend) and I dominated the evening, winning something like 7 or 8 rounds in a row, only to be dethroned because our brains were turning into mush. Chandler played the N64 all the live long day, and Alexa just ran around asking to be picked up all day. We had a really, really good time, and Mom gave us all tickets to the Mavs game against the Nuggets. I get to go see Carmelo!! Nyahh!