The Hoek Blog
So I played a show with my old band,
Frolic last night. It was quite a bit of fun, but it did remind me of why I chose to leave the band in the first place. I really enjoy playing the bass in a band, but I really don't enjoy being out on Sunday nights, loading a trailer, coming home, falling into bed, and getting up the next morning feeling like a Peterbilt just had its way with me. If that show had been on a weekend, it would have been great. I could have stayed out with all the band friends, drank, had a good time, then slept it off the next day. But since it was on a Sunday, I now will spend the rest of this week trying to catch up on all of the sleep I am now lacking.
Alexa is using full sentences now. I think she might be the brightest child I have known.
Jack in the Box Carmel Crunch Shakes are awesome.
How hard could it be to trade Sammy Sosa? We traded Todd Hundley, didn't we?
My fantasy football team sucks. I got slaughtered this week by 70 points. The guy I played almost had 200 points, which is relatively unheard of (unless you play me).

Here is one of those faces spitting water....Like I said, kind of cool the first time, not so cool immediately after that.

If you watch WGN, you will see ads for a burger place called Culver's. My wife and I had that on our to-do list while we were there. Their burgers are amazing, but I think they cook them with real butter...sure it tastes good, but DAMN! The also have the most amazing milkshakes because they make them with real custard and not ice cream...the thickest shake money can buy. Like I said before, DAMN! it was an artery-clogging scarf fest while we were there. We are kind of glad there aren't any in Fort Worth, otherwise we would be fat.

Once again, my beautiful wife standing on the beach.

Ok, these were pretty cool, if not just a bit pointless for my taste. These were huge video walls set up in Millenium Park (Chicago's equivalent to Central Park in New York). The eyes would blink, the faces would smile, and every 20 minutes or so, they would spit a stream of water out of their mouths. Really cool....for about 5 minutes, then you start to wonder just how much all of this cost and does it really bring in that many tourists?

The new and improved Soldier Field. It is really pretty. We were able to go to a soccer game there the night before, and it is really cool on the inside. I think they should have gone with a different color than stainless steel. It makes it look like a UFO from a 70's B Movie. It still looks really cool on the inside, though.

It would be wrong of me not to include some of my non-Cubs shots here. This is me and my beautiful wife against part of the Chicago skyline. You can see the John Hancock building on the right with the big towers. The reason I look like such a dork is because the sun was right behind my aunt, who took the picture and it was incredibly difficult to smile and not squint at the same time.

Here is the aftermath of the Jimenez Triple. Look at LaTroy Hawkins. If you could read his mind, he is saying, "How in the HELL did I just blow another 1 run save????"
This the exact moment when the Cubs wild card hopes were dashed. As you can see, this is when Sean Casey struck out. That was the second out of the inning. The gentleman in the on deck circle is D'Angelo Jimenez, who promplty tripled, then Austin Kearns doubled in the tying run. Once again, I apologize.

The Cubs lost this game because of me. I took a picture of the scoreboard in the top of the ninth, just to mock the gods of karma. It came back to haunt me, as the Reds scored a run in this inning and eventually won it in twelve. I apologize, CubsNation.

Here is Glendon Rusch, the Cubs' pitcher. he was their only offense that day, hitting a solo home run. What does that say about the anemic Cubs offense?

The perfect scoreboard. Run by humans. No electronics to mess up. Power cannot affect it. No human being has ever hit the scoreboard with a home run, but two have missed it to either side. Can you tell me who they were?

The Cubs MVP in my opinion. This was the day after he blew away the Reds without breaking a sweat. Carlos Zambrano, ladies and gentlemen.

I just had to take a picture of this outfit. She does have her Cubs shirt and Cubs tie on, but man, do they look out of place....
This is probably my favorite photo of the group. If you look in the lower left (Edit: Apparently, I don't know my right from my left. It is in the lower right hand corner, just to the left of the guy holding the sign) hand corner, you will see the guy throwing back a home run ball. I took this picture from behind first base with my big zoom lens. I haven't been able to spot the ball that he threw back, but I know it is in the picture somewhere. I think this was the home run that Austin Kearns hit to take the lead early in the game...which the Cubs eventually lost in 12 innings.

Just a preview...I have all of the pictures back from my trip to Chicago and Wrigley field...yes, I got to see the Cubs basically blow the wild card, but I got some great shots....In this picture, you will see the fans cheering for Corey Patterson...lots more to come!