Pure innocence. I wish it could last forever.

And she also finished the first round of swim lessons. She is absolutely fearless of water, and loves to jump in at a moment's notice.

Alexa finished up her gymnastics class this week. She had an absolute blast.
I have a new favorite pet peeve.
No, it isn't the heat. It is the person who thinks that they are so high on society's ladder that they don't have to clean up after themselves in McDonalds when they leave. I took my kids to McDonalds today for some fun inside the handy, air-condidtioned playground. A party of 6 or 7 people were just finishing up, and they just got up and left, with all of their trash sitting on the table.
What kind of person doesn't realize that McDonald's doesn't employ busboys to clean up after you? Did you realize that those big blue boxes near each door are actually trash cans designed for you to clean up your own mess? Did you happen to notice the lack of waiters? Or maybe you should have been tipped off that your food came to you on a TRAY!
Sigh...What can you do? Yell at them? Nah...All I will do about it is post on my blog, in the happenstance that someone will read it. Take that, White Trash America!

Here is Chan...that black eye really stands out!

My baby girl went Ice Skating for the first time this week! She didn't like it very much, but Chan had a great time...