The Hoek Blog
Does anyone else have trouble watching Eric LaSalle on ER without seeing him as the SoulGlo guy from Coming to America? I don't watch ER all that much, but it is hard to take him seriously when you keep expecting him to leave a grease stain on everything he leans on.

Yes, this is the obligatory "Look at my child's crazy hair whilst in the bathtub" Picture. Hope you enjoy!
Ok, I am officially sick to my stomach.
Ashlee Simpson was nominated for a Billboard music award. Unfortunately, this is not what I am nauseated about. Billboard's awards are based purely on sales, and if the musical tastes of America are what I know them to be, this makes perfect sense.
What makes my tummy upset is that she was upset about not being nominated for a Grammy. maybe the Grammys have a bit more integrity than originally thought. In the latest installment of the Ashlee Simpson show, it shows her distraught about not getting nominated, with sad music playing in the background, as if was the most devastating thing that could have happened to her. It then immediately cuts to her getting ready for the Billboard show, and her mom spouts off the gem, "This is about record sales, not about impressing some committee".
Ugh. If my wife ever says something that stupid, I will smack her. You went from five seconds ago feeling like your life was over for not being nominated to justifying it with the stupidest comment I have ever heard.
Now the news comes out that Lindsey Lohan was text messaging Paris Hilton that Jessica Simpson was doing coke in the bathroom at a nightclub. Hello?? If you have half a brain, you are pretty damn sure that Paris and Lindsay probably have done a few lines themselves. These people just have no clue, do they? I have lived the life of a minor league celebrity (very minor league, mind you) and have seen some drug stuff that would probably blow your mind. We are talking about the biggest professional celebrities there are in Paris and Lindsay. Is there really any doubt that there is some pretty serious drug use going on there?
Anyway, I digress. Spring training is in full swing. Maybe I will finally have something to take me away from all of that hockey I haven't been watching. Hmmm...maybe that is why I have time to watch the Ashlee Simpson show...........
I love you, Aslee Simpson. No, it isn't because of your genetically enhanced good looks. No, it isn't because of your cookie cutter rock and roll songs. And no, it isn't because you can sing. I love you because you have taught millions of people that you don't actually have to have any talent to sell millions of records. All you have to do is have the same last name as someone with talent.
I can't fault your record company. If American people are stupid enough to buy the drivel you call music, then that is their 12 bucks that they don't have anymore, and the record company is smart enough to figure out how stupid America is.
I love you because of how hard you work. You got on stage at the Knitting Factory in Hollywood and proclaimed that this was the first time you had ever performed live. Wow! Amazing how hard you have worked over the course of your career....oh wait, that was the course of your career! You HAVE worked really hard, writing those deep and often revealing lyrics such as "La La". Nevermind you didn't write one note of music on your album. You had to have the drummer from Sugar Ray do all of that for you, but you have worked hard, girl!
Probably the only thing I can give you credit for is staying true to your rock and roll roots. Nobody in a respectable rock band would do anything like have costume changes in their show...What's that? On your opening night of your tour, you had more than 6 costume changes in your set? Wow...must be redefining what rock and roll is all about...well, as long as MTV keeps blurring out your ever-present ass crack, I will keep watching your show to see the train wreck. And, if MTV is keeping track, I Tivo it and fast forward through your precious advertising, so you aren't getting yours either.
Alright, friends. It is a new personal goal to publish at least once a week. I have really strugled as to what I want this blog to become. Sometimes, I want it to be a personal rant site, where I can say things that I am really thinking, but then I want it to be a place where my family can come read updates on my kids. I can't really combine the two, because my mind wanders into places where I am sure a lot of you wouldn't want to read, and I can't fathom my mom knowing that I use the f-word on occasion.
So, I am going to just post what I feel like and make sure that I censor it enough to avoid a tongue lashing the next time I visit my mom's house (she isn't really like that, but I like to instill fear).
The baseball season is getting fired back up again, and I can't wait. I am ready to put this hockey nonsense behind me. Why are they so retarded? How can they possibly be the first sport in the history of organized sport to cancel an entire season? Do you realize how stupid you have to be more stupid than the '94 MLB strike?? Pretty effing stupid (see, I can censor myself!)
Make sure you keep tabs on Frolic ( Their site isn't very impressive, and since they closed the forums, I don't really keep track of anything they do. The forums were one of the great things that kept Frolic fans together. I hope they don't regret that decision.
I have been playing a ton of guitar lateley, and I have discovered how much fun it was again. I used to hate guitar because I just didn't feel like I was playing an instrument. The bass just had that thump to it that a guitar couldn't seem to match, but this latest incarnation is really fun!
Well, let's see how long I keep this up! Day one is in the books....